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Shabbat Dinner January 27, 2023 with Scholar in Residence Rabbi David Kasher

Friday, January 27, 2023 5 Shevat 5783

5:30 PM - 2:00 PM Next DayCBS

We are excited to welcome Rabbi David Kasher to share Torah wisdom from his new publication ParshaNut. Join us for a communal Shabbat dinner and learning throughout Shabbat. Rabbi Kasher's book can be purchased at many book outlets including at this link. 

Communal Catered Shabbat dinner

Friday, January 27
Dinner to be held indoors and outdoors

5:30 p.m. Minḥa, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
Short vort given by Rabbi David Kasher
Followed by communal Shabbat fish dinner
(vegetarian options available)
Adults: $15
Children 4-12: $7.50

Saturday, January 28
9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service, drasha by Rabbi David Kasher
10:00 a.m. Camp Shabbat
10:00 a.m. Outdoor Mishkan Minyan
12:00 p.m. Kiddush Lunch | 
1:00 p.m. Think Tank led by Rabbi David Kasher

Registration is required by Wednesday, January 25. Late registrations cannot be accepted.

Please list any dietary restrictions in the Notes section below.


Rabbi David Kasher serves as an Associate Rabbi at IKAR, a non-denominational spiritual community in Los Angeles. He received his BA in Political Science at Wesleyan University, holds a J.S.D. from Berkeley Law, and received his Rabbinic Ordination at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. Rabbi Kasher grew up bouncing back and forth between the Bay Area and Brooklyn, hippies and Hassidim – and has been trying to synthesize these two worlds ever since. He was part of the founding team at Kevah, a non-profit specializing in Adult Jewish Education. He has served on the faculty of Berkeley Law, the Wexner Heritage Program, and The BINA Secular Yeshiva, and also taught at Pardes, SVARA, The Hartman Institute, AJR and HUC. Rabbi Kasher is a teacher of nearly all forms of classical Jewish literature, but his greatest passion is Torah commentary, and he just published a book on the subject,  ParshaNut: 54 Journeys Into the World of Torah Commentary.


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